
I confess that I went into this New Year having made absolutely no resolutions whatsoever. Very uncharacteristic of me, as I'm the queen of resolutions--the neat little lists written in my journal with different colored markers; they seem so exciting once they're down on paper. I usually break every one by March 1, but to me, the resolution-making is more the point. I am a creature of NO habit, unless procrastination counts as a habit.
I think I may have halfheartedly resolved to do the dishes on a more regular basis, but I'm not sure. I've been spending so much time with Bosnian friends trying to speak Bosnian and listen to as much Bosnian as possible, that I guess one big resolve is to speak Bosnian 100% more by the end of this year. That's 99% more than I speak now.
Hm, I need to run more. Whenever I run I wonder why I don't do it more? It feels great, and the positively spring-like weather with the pollen-less benefit of winter indicates that I am without excuse, and that I should be getting out there every day.
I definitely need to memorize more Scripture. I once made it a goal to memorize more Scripture than I knew movie quotes. I wonder what the ratio of fluff to substance is in my brain--ooh, I don't want to go there. And I'd like to read some books on Islam; it's awful hard to evangelize Muslims when one knows three total things about their religion. No, I'm exaggerating--I know enough, but not at the depth I wish.
One resolution that is a guarantee: this year I will reach my hair to the length of elbows goal that I began back in May of 2005. And I will get to London this year--fish, chips, cup o' tea, Big Ben, castles, westerners--ahhh!
But seriously my resolution making and breaking reminds me what an extraordinarily undisciplined person I am. Oh well!
And you will let me know about this London trip so we can have a bloggers' meet, won't you? Please say yes!
Excellent resolutions, especially the Bosnian-speaking one; if you also resolved to "be cleverer" then surely the Bosnian would achieve that too?! Not that you need to be cleverer, of course (I just read that back and didn't like how it sounded any more!)...
Definitely! I will contact you when I'm gonna be there--probably mid-March. We'll have to get together for a coffee or something! :)
You sell yourself short; you are not as undisciplined as you make yourself out to be-- not by a long shot!
Anyone who can do Joyce Vedral for as long and consistently as you do is not undisciplined :)
I agree. Also, anyone who can refuse dessert as long as you is disciplined.
Totally off the subject but here is a web site for you to check out. I asked around about theological training for your pastors there and was referred to this site. Richard Pratt was at Reformed Theological Seminary and now has started this online training ministry. I hope it will be of benefit: http://www.thirdmill.org/
David Trent
Hey, my London friend, what are your plans on March 26?? :) Do you have Gmail or MSN? Can we set up a chat date?
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