
In Memory

I just want to honor and thank all who have given their lives for freedom in our nation. It's easy to take for granted, but now living in a foreign country, a nation that has experienced such horror and slavery for centuries, I understand more fully the tremendous blessing that is my American heritage.

This great privelege has not come without a great price, and for that I thank God for all of those who have shed their blood so that I can live free from fear and oppression. Thank God for America, and thank God for those who have paid the greatest price to preserve her freedom.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I heartily say AMEN! When we saw a young female soldier on two crutches, slowly making her way to a seat Sunday night at the Memorial Day concert on the West Lawn of the Capitol, I realized again how high the price of freedom has always been.

There also was a mother there whose only son was killed-- just months after her own husband had died. Her husband had a fatal heart attack just after the son left for Iraq. The son had flown back for the funeral, feeling the weight of guilt for perhaps having the stress of his leaving cause his dad's death. He promised his mom he would return- and as she said, he did, but not in the way she would have wanted.
Sacrifice-- freedom is a serious thing.


5:08 PM  

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