The crew, out for dinner at Hot Wok Cafe--amazingly good Thai food. I don't think Bosnians like it much though, because the majority of guests every time I've eaten there have been Americans.

Downtown on the outskirts of Bascarsija

Fall in Sarajevo. Beautiful, but the leaves tend more to just fall off and skip the coloring process--boo!

Sanski Most, Bosnia--a very rural village northwest of Sarajevo. A few of us spent the weekend with the church there, and a Saturday afternoon at a farm helping some locals load firewood onto a wagon for delivery. Wood is how many people make their living in Sanski Most

This contraption sputtered and clanged along the street about every hour while we were in Sanski Most. No idea what is (any guesses?), but it looks like a medieval form of torture

Typical Sanski Most scene

Back in Sarajevo--SURPRISE! The pigeons decided my balcony was a great place to lay their spawn. I quickly retaliated...let's just say the egg isn't on my balcony anymore

Kathryn reading in one of our favorite cafes

Enjoying the local brew in Bascarsija (Old Town)

Youth conference--early October. GREAT turnout--this is the first time ECS (Evangelical Church Sarajevo) has hosted it

Kathryn--yay, I'm so glad to have a roommate! :)
Kathryn you look hot!
Looks like you've had a full week of pleasure (reading in cafes) and works. Y'all are a great fit for a mission team--you work out regularly and asprire to solo Christmas celebrations!
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