Back to normal, I guess...sort of
It's only been a few hours since their departure, and I'm already bemoaning the fact that my parents are en route back to the States...Soooo, part of my self-pitying session is adding more pictures of their trip on a few days things will feel normal again I guess...but I'm in all sorts of denial right now. :)
This is where I teach. As is the case with most buildings here, the outside looks awful but the inside is quite lovely, darling
Mom's talking about how delicious the ćevapi is. And it is.
Church Sunday night: they just moved the service to the evening, and I felt like a heathen not getting up for church that morning, although somehow I was able to console myself with a lot of kafa and some Scripture

Dad preaching, Drina translating. Afterwards, Drina says to my dad, "Well, I preached a great sermon, I don't know about you!"

Dad preaching, Drina translating. Afterwards, Drina says to my dad, "Well, I preached a great sermon, I don't know about you!"
There is just too much to comment on from these pictures, more later.
Oh, what I would do for a conversation over coffee with Rebekah right now...
Oh what I would do for a whole raw fish.
Oh what I would do for a wife with whole raw fish breath.
Did Dad do a pretty good job speaking with a translator?
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