
"Scanned in London"

My cello has been somewhere in Europe for over two months now. It was reported missing on the flight home from Bosnia. Most people know how enormous cellos are--so the question was, how does an airline "lose" a 72' by 36' cardboard box? I've thought it was most likely stolen--writing "HANDLE WITH CARE--VERY FRAGILE AND EXPENSIVE INSTRUMENT" all over the box seemed like a good idea at the time.
Fortunately, I have full coverage on the cello and the airline promises to cover all of the loss, which comes to around $3,000. I am delirious with delight at the thought of my payments being forever alleviated. I've made such plans about what I'll do with what I'll save each month now that I won't have a cello payment. But I just got word that it was scanned in London! Send it back! I'm feeling mercenary and I want my money!


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