
I am back in Virginia...Can't explain the shock. It's as though in the last four months, someone went in and erased all of my prior memories of this place. The grocery stores have grown massive and shockingly bright and I notice pleasant donut smells as I stand in line. The lady standing behind me is giving me personal space and not trying to push me forward as I sign my credit card receipt. An iced caramel macchiato yesterday tasted like the first Starbucks I've ever had. I think I downed it in 4 minutes. People are carrying on conversations in English and understanding each other. I'm near my family and they actually enjoy my humor--yayyyy!


Blogger Amy said...

Wow - there are positives to a bit of reverse culture shock then! Enjoy :) (especially the Starbucks bit)

4:32 PM  
Blogger Laura said...

I have always said that I have more culture shock coming back to America than going anywhere else. I understand you completely.

I go back to Asia in 10 days ... my brother's wedding is Saturday. Lots to do, lots to do.

7:26 AM  

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