
The Invitation 2009

Friday-Saturday, September 18-19 there will be a conference hosted by Faith Ministries in Fredericksburg, VA, titled The Invitation 2009: The Healing of a Woman's Heart. I will be sharing my testimony Friday evening and co-teaching a workshop on Saturday morning and afternoon. Please check out the website for more info...if you're local please consider attending. Scholarships are available!



Joy...at last

Aunt Bekah with her Hiro

After a nearly two year absence from the blog world, I've felt a release to begin writing again. I could say a lot of flowery things or make a lot of clever statements, but in the end all I can say is that in the last two years God has been faithful to me. That is such a simple thing to say...and so tossed around...oh the hypocrisy with which I tossed it around! But these days, not even two hours pass when I do not feel such thankfulness to my God who has been faithful to me.
Though I'm keeping my blog title, I'm not in Bosnia anymore. In fact I've been Stateside for nearly two years, but Bosnia and East Europe continue to hold a special place in my heart, and I know that there will come another day where I'll make that trip across the big pond...but for now I'm very content to be home...to be Aunt Bekah (or "Gogox," as the nephew calls me--not really anything close to "Bekah," but don't fault the kid for trying!), and to be near to the family who've prayed me through many many rough waters, and who've been faithful to every end, and dear friends.
More soon.