
Manicures and pedicures--woo hoo!

Mom and Aunt Missy soaking it up!

I think at one point we all fell asleep in these massage chairs

Thanks to Christa and Aunt Missy for treating all of the girls to a relaxing afternoon of pampering and pink champagne!

Aren't my cousins absolutely gorgeous?!

Uncle Mike's pseudo-personality, "Fred"

Dad and Rachel practicing to walk the gauntlet

My new sisters-in-law, Shannon and Carrie, toasting to Rachel and Jeremy

My BEAUTIFUL family--love them all so much

Two words: Maloooooone's and SHRAAAAAAANEY! ;)

Rachel with the moms' flowers

Christa and me!!! I love you, Shraen!

Our terrifying bartender: my brother was convinced he's part-demon

Nod back to FCS days, "Mr. Fulcher" and Jered stacking tables!

Rachel and I trying to be emo--it gives more the attempting to pick our nose effect, I think

Jesus and Moses presiding over the liquor cabinet--making sure we don't have too much fun

Preception party flowers: They overran the kitchen sink and counters--anywhere there was access to water!

Isn't Elisabeth's hair gawwwgeous??

Kelly, Rachel, Liz, Kathryn: Rachel's college friends--love you girls so much!

Gathering necessary wedding items at Costco

Rachel modeling her veil

Mom and Rachel minutes before the wedding, tear :)

Sorry I only have a picture of Jeremy's back--more to come
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