Git 'er Dun'!

So my Bosnia adventure begins. My supporters have already generously contributed to the mission, enabling me to purchase my airfare and a laptop. Because of the convenience of a laptop and wireless internet at my flat, I will be updating my blog regularly and with pictures.
Almost exactly one month to go--it looks like I fly out Monday March 21st, lay over in Munich, and land in Sarajevo, befuddled and exhausted, on March 22nd, 22 hours later.
In all the busyness of preparation these past few weeks, I often find myself wondering insignificant things like what kind of shampoo and toothpaste and cleaning supplies I can get there. What are Bosnian apartment kitchen roaches like? Are they friendly or are they biters?
and would American roach spray work on the Bosnian roaches?
ooh good one! it might just make them bigger!
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