Dubrovnik this weekend

Before we ate we shared in The Lord's Supper, served by the pastors: bread, broken and passed around the table, red wine served from a silver cup. As we shared, there was a sense of true thanksgiving for the sacrifice that Jesus Christ made for us. I can't remember such a joyful, jubilant sharing of communion. Gathering together to fellowship and feast and celebrate Christ's sacrifice in this way was a foretaste of Heaven and the marriage supper of the Lamb.
I loved the fact that as the bread and wine was passed out we talked and laughed together--we were not forgetting the seriousness of what we were doing, but we took genuine pleasure in it. While it is true that mere enjoyment is not the point of communion, I believe that the church today has forgotten the joy and beauty of celebrating. I am used to cracker pellets and lukewarm grape juice in plastic vials, administered in somber silence. Sobriety is important, as is reverence. But I then think of the first communion, and I wonder if the feast in the upper room was much more like this feast I shared with the Bosnians on Thursday night?
Hvala ti za krv (thank You for the blood)!
"He brought me to his banqueting table, and his banner over me is love." (S.S. 2:4)