Above is a picture of me at the church in Sarajevo with Hanna, a missionary from Sweden I met while there (I'm on the left)...all the Bosnians swore we looked like identical twins. I am half Swedish so I guess there's a remote chance we're related! Hanna and I really connected last summer, so it's unfortunate that she's no longer there.
Hey are you two sisters!?
Look at those two twins!
Will you have a roomate? What do you expect to do, besides keep warm? :)
Love, Kelly
Hi K! Good to hear from you! Well, all I know so far: go skiing (hopefully the snow holds out!), teach some English, learn some Bosnian, sip Turkish coffee in my cozy flat (living on my own but in the same apartment complex as some American friends who are also there as missionaries), help out with music/worship team at the church, stuff like that... Since I won't be coming home for the holidays, Rachel may come for Christmas where we plan to proceed to Paris--ooh la la!
You two are darn near indistinguishable!
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