
I was meditating on Psalm 125 in devotions today, and was really struck by the beginning of the chapter:

"Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion, which cannot be moved, but abides forever. As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the Lord surrounds the people, from this time forth and forevermore." (1-2)

What an image! I just think about the mountains that surround my little valley of Sarajevo, the might and majesty that towers above us, that shields us from strong winds and provides us with water and the lumber that heats our homes. We, in Christ, are every bit as strong as those mountains.

How opposite I feel to a mountain when I am anxious--it's so against the natural tendency to trust in the Lord--the big deception is the belief that holding on to worry and fretting over things gives me more control in my circumstances. I am learning, though, that giving all over to God and trusting the Lord brings me peace, and when I simply trust, all fear is vanquished.

When I am pressing into God I am the boldest, most faith-filled person--in Christ there is nothing I can't do--but when I begin to let doubt creep in, little by little that faith is eaten away at, and I become a pessimistic worrier--and I'm most definitely the opposite of bold.

So, what seems so backward and unnatural in my flesh is the very thing that lifts me up and frees me from cares and fears. Truly, we can do all things through Him who gives us strength! (Philippians 4:13)

I realize once again that this truth is "old hat" to me--but humbled because of the need to preach it to myself daily, and convicted by how easily I begin to forget. If I'm not getting filled, I'm being emptied. So God, let me be as Mount Zion, and trust in You with everything I have today!


Anonymous Anonymous said...


3:39 PM  
Blogger Rachel said...

For heaven's sake.

8:33 PM  

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