Hare Krishna drums and chants blasted through the foggy evening as I bought a regular Pepsi in a little corner supermarket in downtown Ilidza (suburb of Sarajevo). I scanned the aisles and found that the store didn't carry my usual Coca Cola Light. Something like an urge to break my Pepsi streak made me purchase the 2 Liter bottle, tall, bullet-shaped, unlike the shorter, fatter bottles back home. I admit I had an incredible urge to hurl this bullet-shaped Pepsi bottle into the Krishna crowd as I walked by on my way to the tram depot, but instead I took it home and put it in the fridge, and opened it today. It's horribly sugary and coats my teeth--but it's absolutely delightful.
The European Shelving System

The "shelf" is located inside the toilet approximately half way in between the rim and the bottom of the bowl. All deposits into the bowl rest on the shelf until the flushing mechanism is engaged. Once engaged, the deposits are forced down the hole and through the pipes. This system eliminates the use of excess water, but deposital air time (time in which deposits are in contact with the open air), is significantly increased.
Deposital air time can often temporarily affect the will to live. Studies have shown that this common side effect is most usually the result of the subject's exposure to public restrooms.
The question can then be posed: when weighing the cost, which is more important, stink decreasor or water saver?
In Memory
I just want to honor and thank all who have given their lives for freedom in our nation. It's easy to take for granted, but now living in a foreign country, a nation that has experienced such horror and slavery for centuries, I understand more fully the tremendous blessing that is my American heritage.
This great privelege has not come without a great price, and for that I thank God for all of those who have shed their blood so that I can live free from fear and oppression. Thank God for America, and thank God for those who have paid the greatest price to preserve her freedom.
This great privelege has not come without a great price, and for that I thank God for all of those who have shed their blood so that I can live free from fear and oppression. Thank God for America, and thank God for those who have paid the greatest price to preserve her freedom.
I confess to a small crush on Taylor Hicks. Homesickness (or dorkiness) drove me to check on the status of American Idol--hope this one wins.
Title of a junk ad in my bulk mail inbox this morning: "Become a rich jerk like me." I almost guffawed into my coffee. Well, at least he's honest!
Starts to feel right(ish)
So I'm walking along the river this evening on my way home from Bible study, and I notice people along the way: a young couple--the wife is pregnant--animatedly talking to each other-- probably about the upcoming baby...another couple, older, slower, maybe mid-60's, the guy freaks me out at first but then I remember a lot of European men, old or young, shave their heads and wear all black...a young guy in his own world, short hair, glasses, backpack slung across the left shoulder. It's not so weird that they're all jabbering on in another language because I can tell what they're talking about: "this was where I was when..."..."she didn't say anything about that..."..."they have grapes on sale at Mercator and...."
I realize I recognize that smell of barbeque wafting over from the other side of the river--I always smell the barbeque right there. I am hearing the call to prayer again but it takes a minute to be conscious of it. The sights and sounds have gradually become like the sound grasshoppers make on summer nights in Virginia--just another part of summer, blending into the background with everything else.
I realize I recognize that smell of barbeque wafting over from the other side of the river--I always smell the barbeque right there. I am hearing the call to prayer again but it takes a minute to be conscious of it. The sights and sounds have gradually become like the sound grasshoppers make on summer nights in Virginia--just another part of summer, blending into the background with everything else.

Within 2 weeks one of the speakers blew up on me--in the middle of a movie, I heard a crackling, popping noise, and then a thin, gray line of smoke and chemical smell rose up.
So I got her repaired and have her sitting here on the floor in the box. Bira and I sitting in my living room, eyeing one another. Staring at her like she's a time bomb...waiting until I just start thinking everything's working ok. Then suddenly....BIRA.

You're the only one who can make me laugh so hard I actually start crying uncontrollably.
Some of the best memories I have are standing in line at Shopper's, wines and cheeses in hand, late nights on Cowan Boulevard and on the back deck in summer, Gino's East that night in Chicago (WHY didn't I give that guy my leftovers?), drives down 28, your birthday 2 years ago, dancing in front of the mirror in that hotel room at the Jamison in Harrisonburg...
Oh, what's the use? I don't have any favorite memories. They're ALL my favorite, because YOU'RE my favorite (really crying now). I love you so much, there's nothing more I can say. You're my best and truest friend. Nice. :)
Some of the best memories I have are standing in line at Shopper's, wines and cheeses in hand, late nights on Cowan Boulevard and on the back deck in summer, Gino's East that night in Chicago (WHY didn't I give that guy my leftovers?), drives down 28, your birthday 2 years ago, dancing in front of the mirror in that hotel room at the Jamison in Harrisonburg...
Oh, what's the use? I don't have any favorite memories. They're ALL my favorite, because YOU'RE my favorite (really crying now). I love you so much, there's nothing more I can say. You're my best and truest friend. Nice. :)